Rachel & Eric

Rachel & Eric
Rachel & Eric
Rachel & EricI worked with Rachel on her save the date and monogram designs back in January. She was great to work with so I was thrilled when she contacted me about designing her wedding invitations for her. I designed her entire invitation suite including the wraparound labels. I also did the printing. I sent the invitations off to Rachel and she finished up by adding rhinestones, placing the invitations in the boxes and wrapping them with ribbon. She just sent me photos of the finished invitation suite and it just turned out gorgeous. Thanks Rachel!

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Documento sin título

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Title: Rachel, Simone Bitton

On March 16, 2003, in the almost uninterrupted tide of Middle Easten current affairs and just before the war in Iraq, a small tragic event was reported by some press agencies, just a few lines in the newspaper, or a 45 -second report on television: A young American peace activist was killed in the Gaza Strip, crushed by an Israeli bulldozer while she was trying to prevent the destruction of a Palestinian house.
A few weeks later, some media reports mentioned that the Israeli military police conducted an inquiry, concluding that Rachel Corrie's death was accidental. Despite many eyewitnesses claims that she was intentionally murdered by the bulldozer driver, the American administration never asked for an independent inquiry, and the case was classified and forgotten.
Five years later, director Simone Bitton is somehow doing what a court should have done. RACHEL is a deep cinema investigation into the death of a young unknown girl, made with a rigour and scope normally reserved for first-rate historical characters. It gives word to all the people involved in Rachel's story, from Palestinian and international witnesses to Israeli military spokespersons and investigators, doctors, activists and soldiers linked to the affair. The film begins like a classical documentary, but very soon it develops and transcends its subject, transforming into a cinematographic meditation on youth, war, idealism and political utopia. Palestine, the reality of which is filmed close-up, becomes a metaphor - a tomb for a child of today.
In the beginning, there is this: She was called Rachel Corrie. She was 22. She was convinced that her American nationality would be enough to make her an effective human shield, that her simple presence would save lives, olive trees, wells and houses. Like many youngsters of her generation, she kept a travel log in the form of e-mails, which she sent to her family and friends in the United States.
During the eight weeks that she had left to live, Rachel Corrie was to discover that which, in her own words, no documentary film could have taught her.

Title: Rachel Brice Tribal Fusion Bellydance

Gorgeous footage of gooorgeous dancer Rachel Brice, taken from Tribal Fest 05 (I believe) from the MV Gals site. Tribal Bellydance and Yoga Fusion. Video taken by Gina Grandi (ack! forgot to post that before! thanks for the reminder. got permission from Brice to post the vid here!)


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